Winter Space Heater Safety Tips

As we head into another icy New Jersey winter, it’s time to get out the heavy gloves, coats, and of course, the space heater. Space heaters are a great way to save money on your heating bill while keeping toasty in the winter months, but the Northern New Jersey product liability attorneys at Buttafuoco & […]

Semi Fuel Tank Fires Cause Serious Injuries on the Road

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, in 2018 nearly 14 percent of all roadway crashes involved a large truck or bus. Trucks and buses were also involved in just over 8 percent of all nonfatal crashes that year. When a semi truck is involved in a high-impact crash, the results are often devastating, […]

Car Fire: What to Do if it Happens to You

While most vehicle crashes don’t result in fires, vehicle fires are especially dangerous. According to a FEMA report, from 2014 to 2016, there were estimated 171,500 highway vehicle fires each year, resulting in 345 deaths annually. According to Consumer Reports, Kia recalled 380,000 vehicles in 2021 because of potential fire risks. There are many reasons […]

Life-Changing Burn Injuries After Car Accidents Incredibly Common

According to the most recent statistics from the National Fire Prevention Association, 2018 saw an estimated 212,500 vehicle fires, resulting in the deaths of 560 civilians and the injuries of another 1500. This should not come as a surprise when we consider that severe burn injuries cause severe tissue damage that even in best case […]