Ovoid these common Summer Vacation injuries…

top ten injuries on summer vacations

Top 10 Summer Activities that Cause Injuries

You’ll probably be surprised by our list of top 10 summer activities that cause the bulk of injuries (many of which can result in serious neck and back pain) because they all sound like so much fun! Remember, helmets have proven to reduce the risk of head injury by as much as 85%. So make sure you wear a helmet. The data below reflects 2011 emergency room visit statistics compiled by the U.S. Consumer Protection Safety Commission’s National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) which collects data from hospitals across the country:

  1. Bicycle injuries: 550,000
  2. Baseball and softball injuries: 260,000
  3. Playground injuries: 250,000
  4. ATV, mopend and minibike injuries: 220,000
  5. Soccer injuries: 215,000
  6. Swimming injuries: 180,000
  7. Backyard trampoline injuries: 85,000
  8. Volleyball injuries: 60,000
  9. Amusement park, state fair and carnival ride injuries: 40,000
  10. Water sports injuries: 30,000

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