Life-Changing Burn Injuries After Car Accidents Incredibly Common

Life-Changing Burn Injuries After Car Accidents Incredibly CommonAccording to the most recent statistics from the National Fire Prevention Association, 2018 saw an estimated 212,500 vehicle fires, resulting in the deaths of 560 civilians and the injuries of another 1500. This should not come as a surprise when we consider that severe burn injuries cause severe tissue damage that even in best case scenarios can take years to recover from. Burn victims who do survive commonly find themselves facing expensive medical bills and an inability to work again due to their injuries, which makes for an even more difficult financial situation. If you are the victim of a vehicle fire, a car accident lawyer serving New York at Buttafuoco & Associates may be able to help you recover the compensation you need to recover. In the meantime, here are some must-know facts about car accidents involving fires.

Types of Burn Injuries

Burns after a car accident often involve direct contact fire, but can also result when skin makes contact with any of the hot metal components of your vehicle. While a first-degree burn will only damage the outer layer of skin and won’t cause blisters, these are rare in car fires. Second- and third-degree burns, which affect the deeper layers of skin, cause blistering, swelling and pain, and are more common after an accident. Third-degree burns that accident victims commonly encounter are incredibly serious, damaging bones, muscles, and tendons beneath your skin.

Once the epidermis (outer layer) is destroyed, new skin cannot grow, which means large third-degree burns always heal slowly and poorly, typically involving multiple skin graft operations. These operations are incredibly painful and time-consuming, and even if the victim is lucky enough to survive, this level of burn often results in disfigurement. When burns are this severe, they can also result in death from infection or complications. The New York car accident attorneys at Buttafuoco & Associates see the life-changing consequences of these injuries all too often, and are committed to fighting to get victims the compensation they are entitled to.

What Causes Fires After a Car Accident

Car accidents involving fires can have a wide range of causes, which is why it’s important to work with a qualified New York car accident attorney who is knowledgeable in such matters. In an ideal world, fuel systems are properly designed so that a vehicle collision does not result in fuel tanks being punctured and spilling gasoline. However, stories are constantly in the news about fuel systems being recalled or malfunctioning after a car explodes on the interstate. A faulty design or poor installation of a fuel tank often results in fire upon collision as the gasoline makes contact with other hot car parts under the hood.

While manufacturers have standards for radiator, wiring, and exhaust construction to ensure that these systems do not come into contact with a heat source, faulty design can cause vehicles to fail frequently enough. In recent news, many Freightliner trucks were recalled due to issues with their fuel tanks that caused explosions.

As you can imagine, multiple parties may be at fault in these cases. If a negligent driver caused the accident, they may be partially liable. Likewise, manufacturers may be at fault if they have produced defective parts. The best thing you can do if you receive burn injuries in a vehicle fire is to get in touch with a car accident attorney serving New York. Buttafuoco & Associates has years of experience with these types of cases, so don’t hesitate to contact us for a free review of your case. We can tell you more about your rights and how to proceed.

Compensation for a Car Fire Accident

As the victim in a car accident where you sustained burns, you may be entitled to a wide range of compensation, which could include:

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Lost income due to injuries
  • Physical or emotional pain and suffering
  • Punitive damages (if a manufacturer or other driver acted especially egregiously)
  • Additional expenses (child care, housekeeping, etc.)

Unfortunately, if you simply report the accident to your insurance company, it’s likely that you will not receive the compensation you need to cover your injuries. To ensure a full recovery, your best course of action is to get in touch with a car accident attorney in New York who can push the insurance company to pay what you deserve and need to recover.

Get in Touch With Buttafuoco & Associates Today

If you’ve sustained burn injuries in a car accident, it is possible that you are eligible to receive compensation for your losses. Buttafuoco & Associates will not stand for negligent behavior on the part of big corporations or individual drivers, and we will fight to get your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering covered. Our medical experts, accident reconstruction team, and team of attorneys will work together to help you recover the damages you deserve.

Get in touch today at 1-800-HURT-NOW.


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