A National Injury Law Firm


How an Attorney Could Help Your New Jersey Car Accident Case

How an Attorney Could Help Your New Jersey Car Accident CaseIf you’ve been on the New Jersey interstate recently, you may have found yourself wondering amid the speeding traffic and reckless swerving whether people have always driven like this. At Buttafuoco & Associates, we’re here to tell you that you aren’t imagining things. Driving has gotten markedly more dangerous over the last decade and accidents have ticked up sharply in the last two years.

In this article, we’ll briefly discuss why driving has gotten so much more dangerous over the last two years and describe how an experienced car accident lawyer serving Northern New Jersey can help you after an accident.

Why Is Driving So Much More Dangerous? New Jersey State Police Have Answers.

It’s not your imagination: driving is markedly more dangerous than it was just a few years ago. According to a report from the Governors Highway Safety Association, traffic deaths rose 19% from 2010 to 2020, with the sharpest increase occurring in 2020. What’s worse, according to preliminary data in the report, there was yet another increase in fatalities in 2021.

We’ve written previously on the Buttafuoco & Associates blog about the recent increase in reckless driving, a trend our car accident attorneys in Northern New Jersey have noticed in our practice.

Experts point to several key factors, many of which are directly related to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Namely: increased stress levels due to isolation, increased alcohol and drug abuse, and reduced traffic stops as law enforcement attempted to mitigate their risk of contracting the virus.
There may be some good news on the horizon, however. In January of this year, the Department of Transportation outlined a new plan to reduce traffic deaths, focusing on collaboration with local governments.

Some initiatives include stricter traffic enforcement, roadway redesign (including speed bumps and impaired driving detection), better post-crash medical services, and a greater push for modern safety features in vehicles, like automatic braking.

While the new programs sound promising, we’ll have to wait for the data to come in to see if we can meaningfully reduce these tragedies.

I’ve Been in a Car Crash. How Can An Attorney Help Me?

While each case is unique, but there are several reasons you may want to hire a Northern New Jersey car accident lawyer:

Reduce Your Stress

Even if a case seems simple, the amount of work (and stress!) goes into arguing even the most basic personal injury case can be enormous. If you were seriously injured in your accident, it is imperative that you dedicate your energy to medical appointments and physical therapy so you can get healthy.

The time-consuming nature of gathering evidence and documentation related to your accident, not to mention learning about how to argue your case in court, can wreak havoc on your recovery. Working with a Northern New Jersey car accident attorney will ensure that you have time to attend to your health so you can make a full recovery.

Easier Negotiations With Insurance Companies

While insurance companies might assure you that your case is cut-and-dried and that their offer is the best you will get, in reality an insurance settlement is always a negotiation.

At Buttafuoco & Associates, we have extensive experience negotiating with insurance companies to get our clients the maximum compensation they need to get their lives back on track.

Serious Injury Case Complexities Under New Jersey Law

Since New Jersey is a no-fault state, there are some intricate laws regarding personal injury cases and car accidents. In a nutshell, your insurance falls into one of two categories: 1) Limitation on Lawsuit and 2) No Limitation on Lawsuit.

If you have “limitation on lawsuit” insurance (which is true for most people), you must be “seriously injured” to file a civil suit. Proving that your injuries are serious can be challenging, but an attorney can help you make a case for our lawsuit. Some examples of serious injuries include:

  • Probable permanent injury
  • Significant disfigurement
  • Loss of limb
  • Bone fractures
  • Loss of an unborn child
  • Death

If you or a loved one has experienced a serious injury, it is often in your best interest to work with an attorney. Don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at any time with questions about whether you have a case.

Comparative Negligence

One of the most subjective aspects of personal injury law in New Jersey is the concept of comparative negligence. This means that while a victim may be partly at fault, they could be entitled to damages if the fault of the other party is greater. This can be challenging to determine without the help of a New Jersey car accident lawyer.

Need Help With Your Car Accident Case?

If you or a loved one has been in a car accident, it is often worth it to contact a New Jersey car accident attorney for a consultation. At Buttafuoco & Associates, our consultations are always free. During your case review, we will help you understand your rights and determine whether or not you have a case or could benefit from help negotiating with your insurer.

We have handled thousands of accident cases over the years, and believe in fighting for our clients’ rights against greedy insurance companies.

Get in touch with us today at 1-800-NOW-HURT.


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